It’s getting stormy and cold out so go take a nice hot shower with this simple homemade essential oil body scrub, you won’t regret it!
Body scrubs can help remove dead cells, unclog pores, increase blood circulation, and give you that pretty glowing skin. It can also make your feel skin soft and silky after using. (I love the feeling!)
I’m off early from work today, so I had to make this Give Thanks Body Scrub (see ingredients below). A little bit of pampering really can really increase my mood. Sometimes we can over commit to work and doing things for others. This month I challenge you to take a step back and reflect on what’s important to you.
Self care. It’s important. We need it. So often we push it to the side because it’s so easy to do so and as caring as a lot of us are it can be hard to say no.
Idk about you, but a little bit of home “spa” day is all I need to get rejuvenated and feel motivated again. Once you take care of yourself, you can then use that energy to take care of others.
According to the definition of NOURISH is:
to sustain with food or nutriment; supply with what is necessary for life, health, and growth.
to cherish, foster, keep alive.
to strengthen, build up, or promote.
So let’s N O U R I S H our bodies with a necessary sugar scrub that will strengthen our minds and cherish our bodies.
I think you should make the gingerbread body scrub today because Christmas = joy, and we can always use a little joy in our lives. I’ve already heard from many friends and family that they are ready to put up their Christmas decorations early this year. We need to grasp onto anything that makes us happy right now in a world of chaos.
So go. Go get your Christmas decorations, hang them early, and then enjoy this body scrub. Have your own holiday spa day and have it alllll to yourself.
All you have to do is order a few things off amazon and you’ll be able to put this together in a matter of minutes.
Start out with the sugar (any kind will work- white, brown, etc.). This will be the base of your scrub.
Then you’ll need fractionated coconut oil. But wait, what is fractionated coconut oil?
It’s regular coconut oil that mainly consists of medium-chain fatty acids. In simple terms, the fractionation process removes the long-chain fatty acids which cause the coconut oil to turn solid at colder temperatures. For this scrub, you’ll just want this liquid oil.
Then, drop in your essential oils. I chose to do the Give Thanks blend listed below to represent Thanksgiving. I recommend buying high quality essential oils – my favorite are Young Living.
Lastly, add in a little vanilla extract.
Throw it all in a smaller wide mouth mason jar like this and mix it up.
Feel free to give it away as gifts for Christmas, or just enjoy yourself, because we all deserve a little pampering over the holiday season.
Or spend the next 30 days reliving what you are thankful for by utilizing my 30 day gratitude fillable PDF sent directly to your inbox! Check out my post here or click the image below for more info.
Start today with my 30 days of gratitude printable. Spend the month with me feeling grateful for the little things and reflect on them over Thanksgiving weekend. All you need is a couple minutes each morning to make dramatic impact on your health and well being.
Gratitude helps you fall in love with the life you A L R E A D Y have.
Gratitude journaling helps you see what’s there, instead of what isn’t. We get so bogged down going through the same old routines and forget about the little things that make us happy.
It will re-train your brain to remember the small things in life that brings you j o y. We all know we need that after the crazy year we’ve had.
I challenge you to try this for one month. Print this off, stick it next to your bed, and answer each prompt honestly and in detail. I even included a fillable PDF if you either don’t have a printer or prefer to do things off your computer – no excuses!
Place the gratitude journal somewhere you know you’ll look on a daily basis. On top of your night stand, in the bathroom next to your toothbrush, on your dresser next to your work clothes, etc.
Wake up an extra 5-10 minutes in the morning to complete it before you do anything else, because we all know distractions will easily arise.
Here’s an example of the journal prompts included in the PDF:
30 Day Gratitude Journal Prompts
What made you smile today?
What do you love about your job?
Describe one of your best days.
What relaxes you?
What are you good at?
What do you take for granted?
List 4 items that bring you joy.
Describe your favorite meal in detail.
What season are you grateful for? Why?
What was the best thing that happened this month?
What’s an accomplishment that you’re proud of?
List 3 favorite compliments you’ve ever received.
List 3 things about your body that you are thankful for.
What are your favorite things about your partner or best friend?
Write about a time you made a positive impact on someone else’s life.
List 5 things that make you laugh.
How are you able to help others this week? Volunteering, helping a friend, etc.
What personality trait are you grateful that you have?
Look around the room and write about everything you see that makes you feel grateful.
Find a photo that you’re grateful for. Write about it.
Go on a walk outside. Write what you are thankful for that you see.
What is your favorite place and why do you love it?
What’s a simple pleasure that you’re grateful for?
What’s something that you’re looking forward to?
What are 3 things that cause you stress? For each stressor write 2 things you can do to reduce it.
What family members are you most grateful for? For each one write about what makes them special.
What friends are you most grateful for? For each one write about what makes them special.
What are three things you can do today to become kinder?
Describe a future event that you’re excited about.
List your favorite time of the day and why.
Make It Happen
Try your best to commit. The hardest part about setting goals for yourself is actually following through on them.
To do this I recommend setting a specific alarm on your phone to remind you each morning. You can also add this as a task to your habit tracker. See my post here on making a habit tracker to help you achieve your goals.
Don’t give up. But, if you miss a day, don’t sweat it and just keep going. Maybe you hit a road bump and miss a few days. That’s ok. It happens to the best of us. Just don’t let it bring you down further. Get back at it ASAP.
So let’s do it friends. I’m doing it with you too!
This tool can also be used as a conversation starter for thanksgiving. You might ask your immediate family to fill out the prompts over the month with you making it a challenge, then over Thanksgiving dinner have a discussion.
A few questions to ask might be:
What did you learn about yourself?
Did you enjoy journaling? How did it make you feel?
Sleep is extremely valuable. About ⅓ of our life is spent sleeping, crazy huh?
It’s vital to combat many illnesses and increase our brain function, yet many of us don’t get enough. Even the CDC statistic reports that 1 in 3 adults don’t sleep enough. What?! Can you imagine if these people had adequate resources to know how to sleep better?
Well, you will now so please put the steps below into action!
Side note: I find it ironic that I planned to write this article, then bought a puppy. Mostly because owning a puppy = m a j o r lack of sleep. That being said, I still make sure to prioritize my sleep as much as possible- even during times of change. I’ll explain what I do to keep sane at the end so keep on reading my friends.
This is Daisy, I wish I could sleep as well as she does!
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First, let’s get into WHY we need sleep.
#1 Reduces Illnesses and Disease
Obtaining adequate sleep can increase immunity and decrease inflammatory proteins which increasesimmune response. So, with getting a good night’s rest, you may be less likely to catch a cold or get the flu.
Studies also show that lack of sleep can cause an increased risk of diabetes. Specifically, this study shows that less than 5 hours of sleep with insomnia can cause a significant increase in developing type two diabetes.
So if those two illnesses don’t frighten you then think about this: a night of inadequate sleep can impair your natural killer cells- which are involved in fighting cancer! This one post reports that women who sleep shorter amounts of time may develop more aggressive breast cancers… and there are many more that support claims on cancer risk.
#2 Regulates Hormones
Lack of sleep can cause a decrease in leptin (the satiety or fullness hormone). Overnight your body is also working to control metabolism and stress. Cortisol (stress) levels are increased in individuals who lack proper amounts of sleep.
#3 Increases Learning and Memory
Attention to detail and focusing is impaired in a sleep deprived person causing them to learn inefficiently. Sleep also plays a role in consolidation of memory, which is involved in learning new information. Ultimately, we need sleep, not staying up all night to study for the next exam (yes, I’m guilty of this in the past too- and no it did not do me any good).
These are just a few top reasons to get more sleep. It is involved in SO much more within our body to help it perform at its finest.
Unfortunately, in our society we no longer believe it’s really that important as we pull “all nighters” in college, stay up late watching T.V., and gulp down extra coffee instead of getting those much needed z z z’s.
So, what are we going to do now that we know how important sleep is?
#1 Establish a Nightly Routine
Find a routine that works for you and do it consistently. This will allow your body to relax and calm down, prepping it for a perfect night’s rest.
Try a few different things out + then stick to it:
Read a chapter in a novel before bed
Do a 15 minute yoga session
Practice 10-15 minutes of meditation (try the Headspace App)
Roll or drop stress away oil on your wrists and inhale it while doing breathing techniques (my ultimate go-to when I can’t sleep)
Breathing exercise: Inhale for 3-5 seconds, hold, exhale for 3-5 seconds, repeat until you feel relaxed and can easily fall asleep
Track your sleep on Fitbit or use the phone settings to sleep and wake at the same time every day (being consistent with your routine will help your body and mind know when it’s time for bed and allows for restful sleep)
Set your thermostat to 68 degrees F: it’s much more difficult for you to sleep well when it’s too hot in the bedroom
Try magnesium spray: it regulates melatonin which guides sleep-wake cycles in your body
Turn off all lights and remove light sources. Keep in mind that blue light disrupts the circadian rhythm and impairs melatonin – which are important in regulating sleep. Blue light is found on your phone, T.V., tablet, and computer.
Cover any additional light from alarm clocks or modems with flashing lights (try covering with black tape)
Place your phone on Do Not Disturb, that way only your emergency contacts can reach you while you’re asleep
#3 Morning and Daytime
Even what you do during the daytime can impact how well you’ll sleep. Here are a few more ideas to take into consideration to have that energy all day long!
Buy a sunrise simulating alarm or use a bird chirping alarm that starts quiet then slowly becomes louder- this will make it easier to wake up and feel refreshed in the morning instead of jarred from a sudden loud sound (personally I love waking up to my birds chirping!)
Fitbits and other apps can also determine the best time for you to wake up within your sleep cycle (usually within a 30 minute range)
What you eat and drink matters! Reduce caffeine before noon and eat high protein/high fat before bed – stay away from sugar and high carbohydrate foods as this will cause your blood sugar to spike and then drop overnight which may wake you up (if i’m hungry before bed I like to have almond butter – sometimes I mix a tablespoon of almond butter, a splash of almond milk, and this Ascent Casein Whey protein together to form a healthy + chocolatey late night snack)
Understand that alcohol suppresses REM (or deep) sleep early in the night – if you have a lot of issues with sleep then I highly recommend cutting back on those nightly cocktails or the glass of wine with dinner
Get adequate sunlight! Go for a walk, enjoy the outdoors. This study shows that participants with vitamin D deficiency had a significantly increased risk of sleep disorders
Also try exercising in the morning rather than early afternoon, as exercising is known to have stimulating effects
Need help turning those “ugh, I wish I was that motivated to make this happen” thoughts into “wow I’m so glad I did this!”?
Then download my free PDF to track your habits and subscribe to my newsletter. Making small lifestyle changes will take a little extra energy in the beginning, but after doing it consistently for a few months you will feel so much better and it will feel as natural as brushing your teeth or taking shower.
So, what do I do to get good sleep?
This is a lot of information, but take these tips and apply it to your life. Do I do all of these? No, but I definitely do a handful of them on the regular.
For example, I always make sure to have a dark, quiet place to sleep because I KNOW I’m a light sleeper. I even cover the little lights that show up on our fan with a t-shirt! (I’m not messing around haha).
I also use lavender and stress away essential oils if I’m having a hard time falling asleep and might even do some breathing exercises, listen to nature sounds, or meditate. I wake up to birds chirping on my phone that slowly become louder and I try my best to fall asleep at the same time each night.
When I travel I A L W A Y S wear an eye mask and earplugs. Without those two things I’d be miserable – it’s a necessity. Even when I stay over at friend’s houses I bring my eye mask and earplugs. I’m not compromising a good night’s rest and buying a $10 eye mask is soooo worth it.
I have the blue light blocking app on my phone and tablet, don’t drink caffeine past the afternoon, eat mindfully, and try not to have too much alcohol before bed- it always keeps me up late!
Stress can easily creep up in my life which causes my mind to rush before bed, but I’ve learned how to reduce that as soon as it comes on because I’m more self aware now. Lately life has thrown us a lot of curveballs and my sleep has suffered, but I’ve learned that if I don’t get good sleep, then I wake up feeling like shit. Honestly, I feel hungover without actually drinking and that’s a terrible feeling without all the fun (felt like this almost every time I worked a night shift…. so glad that’s over).
With a new puppy and the stress of buying a new home we hardly get a whole night of sleep. (Did you know puppy’s have to go potty every hour during the day and apparently 3am in the middle of your night’s sleep??)
Neither did I…. but we’ve made the best of it.
We take her out right before bed and run her around as much as possible, then Brian wakes up at 4am (slightly earlier for work) which is perfect because around that time she has to go out again. Last night she slept from 9:30pm-4am. We were amazed.
It’s all about finding your own routine and what works for Y O U. Try out a couple of the tips above and let me know how it worked. Sometimes it takes a few different things to figure out what you can commit to long term.
Make sleep your number one priority.
If you need help making this a HABIT(that way it can be ingrained and no longer a chore, but a newly formed habit – just like brushing your teeth) then check out my post on How to Habit Track. Add in what you’d like to commit to like “Reading 1 chapter before bed each night” or, “go to bed at 10:00pm each night” and follow along with the details on my post to increase your sleep and help you to become a more energetic and happier person!
Note: may contain affiliate links. I might receive commission at no cost to you if you choose to use my link. Thanks for your support!
When I jump into the car, I’ve got two options: music or podcast. The majority of the time I find myself throwing on a health and wellness podcast because I love how easy it is to learn something new in a matter of ten minutes or less.
Below I’ve listed a few of my favorites that I find myself going back to over and over again. Not only are these podcasts nice for commutes, but I also find time to listen while on walks, runs, cooking in the kitchen, cleaning the house, etc.
We all have a couple minutes in our day to spare so why not spend that time listening to something that’s beneficial for our mental and physical health?
#1 Optimal Health Daily
This podcast is my ultimate favorite because it’s ten minutes or less and they post a new episode daily. The host, Dr. Neal Malik, reads content from some of the best health and fitness websites and then adds a small commentary to the end of each one.
These episodes are short, sweet, and to the point. Get in your car, put this on, and have it finished before you even reach work.
#2 Optimal Living Daily
Similar to Optimal Health Daily, Optimal Living Daily is also less than ten minutes, but focuses on personal development, minimalism, finance, health, and business. I also find it helpful for mindfulness and self care.
Most of the time I find myself listening to one, then hopping over to the other podcast if I have the time. They are both very informative and help me feel accomplish before my work day even starts.
#3 Rise Podcast
Rachel’s podcast focuses on “tangible and tactical tools for your life and business”. She dives into personal development and brings in guest speakers, such as entrepreneurs to help motivate you to live your dream life.
I love her go-to attitude and how she’s not afraid to share with us her day to day personal struggles. I also highly recommend her book, Girl, Stop Apologizing, if you are looking for inspiration to achieve your goals.
#4 Listen to Your Body
Steph Gaudrea is a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor, and USA Weightlifting Sports Performance coach. Her podcast is focused on the intuitive eating principle and finding ways to listen to your body.
The approach that she teaches is inspiring. I never regret throwing on an episode. Steph also has a book called, The Core Four, that I’ve been meaning to get my hands on.
#5 The Wellness Mama
This podcast is centered around holistic health, real food, stress, sleep, fitness, natural living, parenting, and more. Katie Wells brings health tips and actionable solutions in each worthwhile episode.
Recommended for families, these episodes are curated to those wanting to keep themselves and their families healthy with the latest evidence
#6 Affirmations Pod
Josie Ong provides affirmations to help keep your spirits lifted. Also, the episodes are short and sweet. Take a deep breath, turn on the podcast that is appropriate for your situation, and let Josie help you channel those troubles.
What are you waiting for?
Add these to your Spotify or Apple Podcast account now to start improving your health daily. All it takes is a few minutes in the car and you are already moving toward becoming the healthier version of you that you’ve been dreaming of.
I’m always learning something new through these podcasts and I know you will too!