Apple Chai Oat Muffins

Apple Chai Oat Muffin

A perfectly spiced, flavorful, moist chai muffin in the morning with a cup o’ joe (or tea!) is the perfect way to start off your day.

These muffins are filled with whole grains to help keep blood sugar levels from spiking. They are also sweetened with honey only – and just enough for that added touch of sweetness. Although the applesauce and chai spices are what really give this muffin the flavor that kicks it out of the park. Oohh, I’m also thinking it’d pair well with some hot and fresh apple cider. (Try that out and let me know how you like it!)

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Enjoy A New & Healthy On the Go Snack

We can’t resist grabbing one, or two, or three chai muffins before rushing off to work. If you need a grab n’ go breakfast or a mid day work snack – this is it! It’s great to pair with a boiled egg. Prep the boiled eggs and muffins on the weekend and you’ll be set for the week.

Apple chai oat muffin

You can also balance it out with some more protein by adding in a few scoops of collagen powder (it won’t affect the flavor or consistency). I love adding this collagen to my baked goods. Honestly, I forget that it’s even in there sometimes.

We’ve been SUPER busy working full time, packing, and getting ready to move into our NEW HOME! YAY!


In the mean time I’ve made some other variations of this chai muffin recipe. I’ve done blueberry and even a cranberry orange (that one was pretty bomb). Hopefully once everything is unpacked I can re-make them and share the recipe with you – stay tuned!

Our slow as molasses wifi has also been driving me bonkers. Once we get fast wifi I can’t wait to bust out more delishhh recipes as well. Right now the process is pain stakingly slow. Like I can’t even save this page right now, you have no idea how irritating it is. How is one to start a blog when they have awful wifi service??

That being said I only have two more days of this, then we are outta here! Staying positive my friends…

Because ultimately, LIFE IS WHAT YOU BAKE IT

P.S. How’s your Christmas shopping going? I’m excited to decorate our new home and make lots of Christmas baked goods (clearly I love my baked goods… ’tis the season!)

Enjoy my other seasonal recipes like this Pumpkin Pie recipe. I’ve already made it four times this season. (It’s the perfect gift).

Healthy Pumpkin Pie
apple chai oat muffins pin
Print Recipe
Apple Chai Oat Muffins
A chai spiced, flavorful, moist muffin with apple chunks to enjoy in the morning with a cup o' joe or take to work and eat as a mid day snack.
Apple Chai Oat Muffin
Prep Time 20 minutes
Cook Time 25 minutes
Prep Time 20 minutes
Cook Time 25 minutes
Apple Chai Oat Muffin
  1. Preheat the oven to 425 fahrenheit and spray a muffin tray with coconut oil.
  2. Place almond milk and oats into a glass measuring cup or small bowl. Let sit for 20 minutes. (I would also microwave and melt the coconut oil at this time and then set aside to cool).
  3. While the oat mixture is soaking, add all dry ingredients (flour, baking powder, baking soda, collagen, cinnamon, cardamom, ginger, allspice, and salt) to a large bowl. Mix together.
  4. Add in the wet ingredients to a smaller bowl (coconut oil, applesauce, honey, egg, vanilla extract). Whisk well.
  5. Pour the wet ingredients into the dry and stir just until combined. (Do not overmix). Add the the chopped apple and pecans or walnuts. Stir again just a few times until evenly mixed.
  6. Fill each muffin tin 3/4 full. Place in the oven and bake at 425 farenheit for 5 minutes, then leaving the muffins in the oven reduce heat to 350 farenheit and cook for an additional 20 minutes.
  7. Allow to cool at room temp, remove from muffin tins. Enjoy at room temperature for up to one day or store in the fridge for up to 5 days. Place a papertowl on the top and bottom of the muffins when storing to retain moisture. If too dry, put in microwave on 30 second intervals to re-heat.
Recipe Notes

Substitute 1:1 for gluten free baking powder if desired. 

Melt the coconut oil in a microwave on 15 second intervals until just melted, cool in the fridge or prepare early and let cool at room temp.

Simple & Healthy Pumpkin Pie

Healthy Pumpkin Pie

You can never have too many pumpkin recipes, right? Every year I make a version of this paleo pumpkin pie and I swear it just gets better and better. Maybe my baking skills improved over time or maybe I just got lucky this year, but OH DAMN this one is good. 

I’m happy to finally have an “official” recipe for it because each year I’m trying to figure out what I did the prior year. You’d think I’d have it written down somewhere or pinned on Pinterest from a previous blogger, but no. I just could NOT find it this year. 

With a little bit of memory and bits and pieces of other recipes I’ve made in the past I came up with this SIMPLE HEALTHIER PALEO PUMPKIN PIE.


This recipe is great because it’s gluten free, dairy free, and refined sugar free (if you omit sugar or use coconut sugar for the crust). The pumpkin spice POPS, the crust is still full of flavor, and the texture is nice and creamy. I love that it’s sweetened with honey too. 

Ya just can’t get any better than that. 

I must mention that it’s also an easy clean up using just ONE piece of equipment: a food processor. This one here is my FAVORITE – I use it weekly. You can also try to mix by yourself, but I find a food processor is your best bet to make it the right consistency. A high speed blender such as a ninja or vitamix will also work.

Place all crust ingredients in the food processor, blend.

Put that in the pie pan. Press down.

Healthy paleo pumpkin pie crust.

Rinse food processor.

Place all filling ingredients into the food processor, blend.

Healthy paleo pumpkin pie food processor

Pour into the pie pan.

Take the dish and tap it directly down on the counter to remove any bubbles formed from the processor.

Healthy paleo pumpkin pie


Remove after 40 minutes, add pie crust shield to prevent the edges from burning OR cut foil and wrap around the edges of the pie pan. Bake for another 20 -25 minutes or until the pie crust is set.

Healthy paleo pumpkin pie

That quick, that simple, that’s it.

Be careful not to place directly in the fridge after baking. Make sure the pie is completely cooled down to room temp first.

If the pie is cooled too quickly then it will crack and separate and you will no longer have a pretty looking pumpkin pie to take over to the friendsgiving. 

Healthy paleo pumpkin pie

It’s a simple step – but a very important one if you want a good looking and healthier twist to a pumpkin pie to show off to all your friends.

Lastly, this pie is delish by itself, but if you want to kick it up a notch then buy some coconut whipped cream to top it off! 

If you want the same yummy pumpkin spice flavor that I used for this recipe then check out my Homemade Pumpkin Spice.  You might also like my Paleo Pumpkin Muffins for a breakfast treat. Pumpkin muffin for breakfast and pumpkin pie before bed? Yup. I’m all about it.

Healthy paleo pumpkin pie
Print Recipe
Healthier Pumpkin Pie
Simple and healthy gluten free, dairy free, and refined sugar free pumpkin pie with limited ingredients. The pumpkin spice POPS, the crust is still full of flavor, and the texture is nice and creamy. Cut a slice and enjoy with a dollop of coconut whipped cream.
Healthy Pumpkin Pie
Course Dessert
Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 1 hour
Course Dessert
Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 1 hour
Healthy Pumpkin Pie
  1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F.
  2. Place all crust ingredients (almond flour, egg, coconut oil, and sugar) in a food processor or high speed blender. Mix well.
  3. Once the crust starts to form into small balls, then remove the mixture from the food processor and place inside the pie dish. Press the crust down evenly in the pan with a flat object. (I used the bottom of a measuring cup).
  4. Rinse out the food processor or high speed blender and add in all the pie ingredients (pumpkin puree, coconut milk, honey, eggs, pumpkin pie spice, and vanilla extract). Blend until smooth.
  5. Pour the filling into the pie pan. No need to bake the crust first.
  6. Place in the oven and bake for 40 minutes, remove and add a pie crust shield or cut foil to cover the crust. Bake for another 20 minutes, or until the center is set.
  7. Let cool at room temperature to prevent separation and cracking, then place in the fridge to firm up.
  8. Enjoy with some coconut whipped cream or by itself. Have fun sharing with friends and family over the holiday season!
Recipe Notes

Don't forget to use my Pumpkin Pie Spice for that added Y U M flavor to this pie!

Double Chocolate Pumpkin Muffins

Gluten free, dairy free, refined sugar free and chocolatey pumpkin muffins with hints of pumpkin spice to help your belly prepare for the fall season.

double chocolate pumpkin muffins

These pumpkin muffins are a mix between a brownie and a muffin with a little bit of coconuty flavor to pull it all together. Moist, but surprisingly still light. The real chocolate chunks (or chips) also makes it pretty darn yummy. (Hellloooo chocolate fans!)

All made with wholesome ingredients, you don’t have to feel guilty eating one… or two… OKAY, maybe I just had two while writing this post. I couldn’t help it!

Be sure to start with a super-fine almond flour like this one. They type of almond flour used can dramatically affect the outcome of the muffins as some have different weights and more fiber. The super-fine almond flour from Costco is also a great option – it’s what I use!

First, pull together all the dry ingredients and mix with a wooden spoon. Next, make a well with the dry ingredients (or push the dry ingredients to the sides of the bowl). Pour the wet ingredients into the center.

double chocolate pumpkin muffin
double chocolate pumpkin muffin

Blend together the wet ingredients, then mix it all together with the dry. Be careful not to over mix though!! Over mixing almond flour can release the oils. This will result in muffins that are more dense, wet and oily.


Bake until you see the tops start to form and create creases. Also try placing a toothpick into the middle. The muffins will be done if there are just a few crumbs left on the toothpick. Allow to cool, then store in the fridge for 5-7 days.

I hope you enjoy! It took me a few times of trial and error to make a good almond flour muffin recipe, but it was so worth it.

Now we have pumpkin muffins eat to for dayysss, did I mention they can easily be placed in the freezer and heated back up in the microwave whenever you want? Yup. That way you’ll always have a morning muffin on hand (especially when you’re running out the door in the mornings like me lately!)

Also, if you want more tips on getting good sleep so that way you can have more energy to make good healthy recipes like this then check out my post on Natural Ways to Sleep Better.

double chocolate pumpkin muffin
double chocolate pumpkin muffins
Print Recipe
Double Chocolate Pumpkin Muffins
Gluten free, dairy free, and chocolatey with hints of pumpkin spice. These muffins are guaranteed to put you in the best mood for fall!
Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 25 minutes
Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 25 minutes
  1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees F and prepare muffin tin with paper or spray with coconut oil spray.
  2. Add all dry ingredients to a large mixing bowl (almond flour, coconut flour, cocoa powder, coconut sugar, baking soda, baking powder, salt, and pumpkin pie spice). Mix well.
  3. Make a well or a hole in the bowl of the dry ingredients. Add in the wet ingredients (pumpkin puree, vanilla extract, maple syrup, almond milk, coconut oil, and eggs). Whisk together just the wet ingredients.
  4. Pour in the chocolate chips. Then, trying not to over mix, blend together both the wet and dry ingredients.
  5. After mixing (about 10 stir, or until just combined), then fill each muffin tin 3/4 or to top.
  6. Bake for 22-28 minutes or until the tops are cracked and no longer appear wet. You may also test the moisture by placing in a toothpick.
  7. After removing from the oven, let the muffins cool in the muffin pan. Once cool, place in an airtight container and refrigerate until ready to eat.

Pumpkin Quinoa Oat Bread

Super moist, yet dense and full of hearty good for you ingredients.

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Pumpkin Quinoa Oat Bread
  1. Preheat oven to 375°. Grease or place wax paper in a 9" x 5" loaf pan.
  2. In a large bowl, whisk together flour, oats, pumpkin pie spice, baking powder and salt.
  3. In a small bowl, stir together pumpkin puree, coconut oil, almond milk, egg, and maple syrup.
  4. Add cooked quinoa and contents of the small bowl to the large bowl and stir until combined.
  5. Transfer batter to baking dish. Sprinkle coconut sugar and extra oats on top.
  6. Bake for 45 minutes, or until top is golden.

Dark Chocolate Sunflower Butter Bars

Have you ever heard of popped quinoa? Yeah, that’s right p o p p e d. Like popcorn, but quinoa. Well if you haven’t then get ready to have your mind blown with these gluten free, dairy free, nut free, refined sugar free paleo crunchy decadent dark chocolate sunflower butter bars.

These are also my favorite treats to bring to BBQs and parties for sharing. I love surprising people with healthy whole food desserts, especially those involving quinoa, of course.

sunflower butter bars, chocolate, bars, quinoa

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They take a bit of prep time, but are in no doubt worth the effort. First, when making the crust I like to mill my own oat flour which can be done three ways:

  1. High speed blender
  2. Food processor
  3. Coffee grinder

I usually use my little coffee grinder because it’s small and is minimal clean up, but they all work well. Just make sure it’s blended to a flour like consistency.

sunflower butter bars, chocolate, bars, quinoa

Once you have the oat flour ready you’ll want to pop your quinoa. My favorite part!!

Heat up a large skillet on the stove top to medium high heat. Wait until its warm, then add the quinoa directly to the pan and listen to it *pop*. This is where you’ll really want to be careful. Make sure to keep a close eye on it and constantly shake the pan for 1-3 minutes depending on how hot your stove top is or until the quinoa turns golden brown in color.

Also be sure to start with just enough quinoa to cover the bottom of the pan, in my case this is 1/4 cup. If you add too much you’ll end up with half burnt quinoa and half unpopped (trust me…).

sunflower butter bars, chocolate, bars, quinoa

Once you add the quinoa in with the oat flour and stir in the maple syrup and coconut oil, you can press it all into the 8.5×11 baking dish lined with parchment paper. I use my hand at first, then press down with the bottom of a measuring cup to even it out.

Bake the crust until its formed together and starting to brown. Place it in the fridge or freezer to cool. Personally I like things done fast so I put mine in the freezer while I prep the sunflower butter layer.

I didn’t get a photo making the sunflower butter layer, but it’s quite simple.

Add more or less coconut flour depending on how oily the sunflower butter is. Throw all the ingredients together, let it sit for 5-10 minutes to “thicken” with the coconut flour.

Next, throw the sunflower butter layer on top of the crust layer, set aside.

Lastly, melt your chocolate and coconut oil in the microwave, but be careful! Do not microwave for longer than a minute and only do 15 second intervals. Every time you remove after the 15 second interval give it a good stir with a plastic spatula. The chocolate will melt quickly and you don’t want it to burn.

sunflower butter bars, chocolate, bars, quinoa

Remove the bars from the fridge/freezer, pour the chocolate directly on top of the sunflower butter layer and sprinkle on some sea salt if desired.

Place back in the fridge/freezer and enjoy once the chocolate layer hardens. May take up to 1-2 hours.

sunflower butter bars, chocolate, bars, quinoa

Have fun surprising your friends with *popped* quinoa! When I found this out years ago I couldn’t believe the nutty and crunchy goodness of cooking quinoa this way.

Even skeptics out there that don’t like regularly cooked quinoa are going to love this!

Let me know how it turns out in the comments and don’t forget to subscribe to stay in the loop for more healthy desserts like this one.


Also try my key lime pie if you are looking for another fun healthier whole food treat to make!

sunflower butter bars, chocolate, bars, quinoa

Print Recipe
Dark Chocolate Sunflower Butter Bars
Gluten free, dairy free, refined sugar free, nut free, paleo sunflower butter bars that are made with popped quinoa for a crunchy texture and nutty flavor.
Course Dessert
Prep Time 35 minutes
Passive Time 2 hours
Sunflower Butter Layer
Chocolate Layer
Course Dessert
Prep Time 35 minutes
Passive Time 2 hours
Sunflower Butter Layer
Chocolate Layer
Crust Layer
  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F and prepare an 8.5x11 baking pan. In a medium sized bowl add the oat flour and sea salt for the crust layer. Whole oats can be processed into a flour using a blender, food processor, or even a handheld coffee grinder.
  2. Heat large skillet on stove top to medium high heat until very hot (no oil) and add in 1/4 cup quinoa until it becomes light brown and starts popping. This may take 1-3 minutes depending on how hot the pan is. Be careful not to burn! Repeat with each 1/4 cup until you have 3/4 cup total. The quinoa should have a nutty smell and be golden brown. Add to oat flour bowl.
  3. Pour the maple syrup and softened coconut oil into the flour and quinoa bowl. If your coconut oil is hard, soften in the microwave with 15 second intervals. Be careful, if it's liquid, it will be difficult to from into a crust. Mix well.
  4. Add the mixture to the prepared pan and press down evenly.
  5. Bake cookie layer for 11-14 minutes, or until starting to brown. Allow to cool in the fridge to harden up while you prepare the other layers.
Sunflower Butter Layer
  1. To make the sunflower layer, mix all ingredients (sunflower butter, maple syrup, coconut oil, and coconut flour) together in a medium sized bowl. If the sunflower butter is dry, you might need less coconut flour. It helps the mixture thicken up considerably.
  2. Layer the thickened sunflower butter over the cookie layer once it has cooled.
Chocolate Layer
  1. Place dark chocolate chips and coconut oil in a small bowl. Starting with 15 second intervals microwave and be sure to stir after each interval until they have just melted.
  2. Cover the crust and sunflower layers you already made with the last chocolate layer. Use a rubber spatula to even out the top of the bars. Sprinkle extra sea salt on top if desired. Refrigerate for about two hours to set before cutting OR place in the freezer for about an hour if you need to speed up the process.
  3. Store bars in an air tight container in the refrigerator for up to a week, or in the freezer for 2-3 months.