One Month of Gratitude Journaling + Free PDF

Start today with my 30 days of gratitude printable. Spend the month with me feeling grateful for the little things and reflect on them over Thanksgiving weekend. All you need is a couple minutes each morning to make dramatic impact on your health and well being. 

Gratitude helps you fall in love with the life you A L R E A D Y have.

Gratitude journaling helps you see what’s there, instead of what isn’t. We get so bogged down going through the same old routines and forget about the little things that make us happy.

It will re-train your brain to remember the small things in life that brings you j o y. We all know we need that after the crazy year we’ve had. 

I challenge you to try this for one month. Print this off, stick it next to your bed, and answer each prompt honestly and in detail. I even included a fillable PDF if you either don’t have a printer or prefer to do things off your computer – no excuses!

Print off my PDF or use the fillable version by

signing up for my newsletter here

or click the image below.

Gratitude Journaling with free PDF.

How to Start

Place the gratitude journal somewhere you know you’ll look on a daily basis. On top of your night stand, in the bathroom next to your toothbrush, on your dresser next to your work clothes, etc. 

Wake up an extra 5-10 minutes in the morning to complete it before you do anything else, because we all know distractions will easily arise. 

Here’s an example of the journal prompts included in the PDF:

30 Day Gratitude Journal Prompts

  1. What made you smile today?
  2. What do you love about your job?
  3. Describe one of your best days. 
  4. What relaxes you?
  5. What are you good at?
  6. What do you take for granted?
  7. List 4 items that bring you joy. 
  8. Describe your favorite meal in detail. 
  9. What season are you grateful for? Why?
  10. What was the best thing that happened this month?
  11. What’s an accomplishment that you’re proud of?
  12. List 3 favorite compliments you’ve ever received. 
  13. List 3 things about your body that you are thankful for. 
  14. What are your favorite things about your partner or best friend?
  15. Write about a time you made a positive impact on someone else’s life. 
  16. List 5 things that make you laugh. 
  17. How are you able to help others this week? Volunteering, helping a friend, etc. 
  18. What personality trait are you grateful that you have?
  19. Look around the room and write about everything you see that makes you feel grateful. 
  20. Find a photo that you’re grateful for. Write about it. 
  21. Go on a walk outside. Write what you are thankful for that you see. 
  22. What is your favorite place and why do you love it?
  23. What’s a simple pleasure that you’re grateful for?
  24. What’s something that you’re looking forward to?
  25. What are 3 things that cause you stress? For each stressor write 2 things you can do to reduce it. 
  26. What family members are you most grateful for? For each one write about what makes them special. 
  27. What friends are you most grateful for? For each one write about what makes them special. 
  28. What are three things you can do today to become kinder? 
  29. Describe a future event that you’re excited about. 
  30. List your favorite time of the day and why. 
Gratitude journal page 1.

Make It Happen

Try your best to commit. The hardest part about setting goals for yourself is actually following through on them. 

To do this I recommend setting a specific alarm on your phone to remind you each morning. You can also add this as a task to your habit tracker. See my post here on making a habit tracker to help you achieve your goals. 

Habit tracking with free PDF.

Don’t give up. But, if you miss a day, don’t sweat it and just keep going. Maybe you hit a road bump and miss a few days. That’s ok. It happens to the best of us. Just don’t let it bring you down further. Get back at it ASAP.

So let’s do it friends. I’m doing it with you too! 


This tool can also be used as a conversation starter for thanksgiving. You might ask your immediate family to fill out the prompts over the month with you making it a challenge, then over Thanksgiving dinner have a discussion. 

A few questions to ask might be: 

What did you learn about yourself?

Did you enjoy journaling? How did it make you feel?

Would you like to share one of your responses?

The more grateful I am, the more beauty I see.

Mary Davis

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