
Hey everyone, I started this blog to share with you all what I’m most passionate about- health and wellness.

I graduated from Seattle Pacific University in 2014 with a double major in Nursing and Nutrition. A few years later, in 2018, I attended a six month program at the Institute of Integrative Nutrition to become a certified health coach. In the midst of this I was working as a registered nurse at Jersey City Medical Center full time, a per diem school nurse on the days I had off, and also working through my CrossFit gym as their Nutrition Coach. Currently I can be seen spending hours in the kitchen finding healthy substitutions to my favorite recipes, blogging away helpful advice for you all, or taking care of my patients as a home infusion nurse in New Jersey- I love what I do!

I’ve travelled the globe, visited at least 35 countries, enjoy sipping on earl grey tea, eat chocolate on the daily, love a good pilates session, can wind down with yoga, and always seeks out the best hiking spots. 

I believe we need to listen to our bodies intuitively, not compress thoughts of hunger and deprive our bodies. We are surrounded by diet culture talk and I’m here to show you that we can live happy and healthy lives without worrying about that piece of cake we ate at a party and rather learn how to enjoy those experiences. My goal is to provide you with valuable resources for living a well and balanced lifestyle that you can utilize daily.

So grab a piece of pie, a cup of tea, a piece of chocolate, or whatever you fancy and let me help you learn how to live an enjoyable life without worrying about your weight and find a way to shift your focus in order to obtain true health.